Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Messages of Support!

It's gonna be tough playing cricket in hot and humid conditions against quality opposition. Please post your message of support here. Better still, post you pledge of financial support for our school visit in Bangalore. Any amount will be welcomed.


Anonymous said...

You guys are game! Good luck. Show those Indians how it's done. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi
Pinnie Pinnie Pinnie Oi Oi Oi
Love from you know who.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Pinjarra hope you boys give them an arse whipping. You should be right as long as Millar doesnt get a bowl!

Art Vanderlae

Anonymous said...

Good Luck guys, have a good time! We are from Mandurah and have been living in Chennai for the last 6 mths. Not been crook yet. Cannot believe we are going home for RnR for the 2 weeks you are here. We would have been there to cheer you on for sure! Yes still a tad sticky here, but getting cooler, keep up the fluids and you will be fine. Drink Kingfisher Super Strong at your own peril!

Deb said...

Hey Guys, hope you all have a fantastic time and don't pass out in the heat!!

Make sure Hally doesn't drink to much!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,
Finaly logged on Hally Burger.
Looks fantastic - obviously having a ball and shedding some kilo's in the heat and on the dunny!
Hopefully finding the middle of the bat here and there also.
Good work Milo - always did use your head... but as a bat????
Will keep an eye on the scores and photo's - good luck.
PS - any good beers in India?

From Matt The Clap

Milo said...

Hey Clap,
Great to hear from you. Kingfisher is ok but it only stays cold for about 2 minutes. Local curries are fantastic but none of the guys can remember what "plop" sounds like.