Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lucky's Uncle Hosts us for Dinner

We were treated to a very traditional indian dinner on Tue night at the house of Lucky's uncle and his family. We sat cross legged on the floor and ate as the indians often do, from a banana leaf using the right hand only. Some very tasty curries and rice dishes. But most of us could manage no longer than a few minutes sitting cross legged on the marble floor, much to the amusement of the locals. A truly special night to be made so welcome in the home of Lucky's long time family friends. They were incredibly welcoming.

(Adding to the experience was a 1 hour power outage. Something the locals are well accustomed to - the power going off daily here for an hour or so as rolling power cuts are shared around the city since the local power supply can not match demand. We have noted already that all shops and hotels have their own gen set ready for when required. This can make shopping an interesting experience since entering the store can be accompanied by 90 dB of generator noise and a questionable amoutn of CO fumes entering the inside.)

But back to the main topic, the dinner at Lucky's Uncle's was an awesome experience for us all, although I think we need a few yoga lessons before we can attempt to eat in that posture on a routine basis.

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